Saturday 19 March 2016

Why go low carb?

Good Morning!! Now what I'm doing like I had already explained on my previous post is switching to a low Carb high Fat lifestyle.

 My go-to website  owned by Dr Andreas Eenfeldt is the best place to go to truly understand the nitty-gritty behind this life style, it's my LCHF Bible.

It's unfortunate though that fat had been painted so bad in the past by the media and some health professionals, who made people believe that it's the cause of raised cholesterol and heart diseases.
Lots of people stop eating Banga because " They" said it's bad for you. One of my favourite soup, Egusi even got a bad rap in the fat demonistion. Thankfully, things are changing.

Series of human studies on fat have been going on since 2002 and in all of them low carb diet came out tops. Not only does it help in weigh loss but it greatly improves cholesterol.

Why Go Low Carb High Fat

There are lots of benefits associated in reducing the amount of carb and increasing the amount of good fat in our diet

1. Aside from losing weight, this life style has been known to effectively treat and reverse type 2 diabetes (1).

2. This lifestyle is the best way to lose abdominal fat (visceral fat),which has been linked to cardiovascular and metabolic problems.

3. Triglycerides which have been linked to heart diseases tend to go down on this lifestyle. Cut carbs and watch blood triclycerides drop (2)

4. Low carb drastically reduces elevated blood pressure. Reduce your bp and save yourself from heart disease, stroke, kidney failure and many common diseases.

5. This diet is used in treating children with a history of Epilepsy especially those ones that don't respond to drug treatment.

6. This lifestyle has been found to be very effective in the treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) in women.

To wrap it up, you can't go wrong with a low carbohydrate lifestyle.

Dalu nu!


  1. Thanks so much Tisto. A very timely blog for me!

    1. Thank you, Chinonso for taking your time to read through. i'm glad our blog is of use to you.

  2. Wow tisto i am very happy for you o. May the sky be your starting point.

  3. Thanks so much for taking your time to read.
