Friday 18 March 2016

Egg Fast to the rescue!

Usually to help kickstart Ketosis, Low Carb High Fat dieters do something called "Egg Fast". It's actually a short term diet where you eat basically Eggs. Each Egg is eaten with a corresponding value of 1 Tspn of Butter, Mayonnaise (Low Carb), Coconut oil and Olive Oil.
This very low carb diet would actually kickstart your body into fat burning mode.

On my first Egg fast, I lost a whooping 4kg which really gave me the much needed boost to go Keto. In the past losing 4kg would have taken me a minimum of 6 weeks of non-stop gruelling workouts.

I won't however, encourage anyone to go on Egg fast permanently just kickstart your metabolism to get it into weighloss mode then go back to your regular Keto diet. I've read of people doing Egg fast for 7 days and more but I won't dare try. My 3 days Egg fast is good enough for me.

Below is my own Egg fast routine customized to my taste for a 3-day period.

1. Eat Egg no later than 30mins after waking
2. Eggs are to be eaten every 3hrs but not more than every 5 hours
3. When not hungry take at least 1 boiled egg with 1 tbsp of Olive oil or Coconut oil
4. If frying, use one tbsp of either butter, Olive oil, Coconut oil and red Palm Oil
5. Stop Egg consumption 3 hours before going to bed
6. Avoid Onions, Carrots, Garlic or Bullion cubes when frying. Salt and a little dry pepper is just fine
7. Take the following with your Egg in the morning. Herbal Tea, Coffee, Green tea. Add butter before drinking.
8. Drink lots of water while on this diet. I recommend 450ml daily.
9. Don't forget to drink salt water when you start experiencing Induction Flu symptoms like Nausea, Foggy Brain, Headache, Muscle Cramps etc.

So if your weight loss is at a plateau, kickstart it again with an Egg fast.


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