Thursday 24 March 2016

Why am i not losing weight??

Ok, so some of us have been on this lifestyle for awhile. At first, it was awesome. Kilos were disappearing. You felt great. Your old clothes were starting to fit. This lifestyle is da bomb!!

Suddenly, the weight loss stops. Why aren't I losing weight anymore?? What could have gone wrong?

I remember when mine stalled and I became frustrated but never really gave up. It didn't take long to find the "causer" of the stall, I was gorging myself with way too many Avocados.

Today let's look at the possible reasons why one's weight loss can stall. A lot of times it is as a result of not paying attention.
  1. Eating too many Carb  It is very important to remember that fruits and vegetables contain carbohydrate. Eating too much fruit and vegetables is very easy. Just because is natural doesn't mean you should gorge yourself with it. Remember we humans are notoriously bad at estimating nutritional values of food. A plate of Okro soup has enough carbs in form of okro and ugu. Then maybe you decide to eat a fruit on the same meal without taking into account the amount of carb already consumed. The fructose and sugar in the fruit with the carbs in the vegetables are enough to knock you over your 20g daily carb limit. On packaged products, always check nutritional info and for whole food try to look up carb counts.
  2. Eating too little Fat   It is true that most people get their calories from carbs especially sugar and grains, but for those of us on low carb lifestyle it is important remember that we 've replaced carbs with fat. Unfortunately, some people think that since low carb is a great idea, then low-fat combine with the low-carb is a better idea. People! You can not starve the body carb and also deny it fat. If you do you will be very hungry and crappy and eventually give up on the plan. Add fat to your meals to compensate for the carb. To get enough of fat choose fatty parts of meat, add a good amount of healthy fats like butter, Coconut oil and Olive to your meals.
  3. Eating too much Protein  low-carb eaters most times eat a lot of lean animal foods and some times end up eating too much. When you eat too much protein than your body needs, the amino acids in the protein acids will be converted to glucose through a process called gluconeogenesis. This can become a problem on low carb keto diets and prevent one from going into Ketosis.
  4. Lack of Sleep Lack of sleep makes one to produce less growth hormone, have impaired metabolism and show decreased level of Leptin - the "satiety hormone" which regulate energy balance by inhibiting hunger. When you are sleep deprived you are more likely to store body fat because you will end up eating way too much.
  5. Too Much Stress  research has shown that stress increases our cortisol levels and disrupts its natural rhythm. This broken cortisol rhythm wreaks so much havoc on our body and leads to the following: raised blood sugar, sugar craving, reduces your ability to burn fat, increases your belly fat and makes your liver fatty etc. Stress can also come from too much exercise, so take it gently while on this lifestyle.
  6. Not taking a enough water  While on this diet, it is very important to drink water. Staying hydrated helps our liver and kidneys to process the protein and fat we consume in the most efficient way.
  7. Caffeine caffeine is a stimulant which increases our adrenaline. It stimulates the liver to release glucose from its glycogen stores. This causes insulin to be released again, fat gets stored and fat burning is turned off. You don't have to give up your coffee but switching to a decaf is much better
  8. Lack of Patience When we cut carbs it will take our body time to shift to another energy source which is fat. It will definitely take your body a few days to adjust to primarily burning only fat. During this period of adjustment one usually feel a bit under the weather. This is called Keto-flu or Induction Flu and starts from the 2nd day of the diet till day 4 but full adaptation can take several weeks. So it's very important to be patient and strict with your diet especially at the beginning
Low-carb is a wonderful way to lose weight and also help fight most of the world's biggest health challenges and problems, including obesity and diabetes. It is very important to be patient to avoid making mistakes.



  1. This info is indeed helpful. Thanks a lot! #teamketo

  2. Nice One. I find that sleep is better on this lifestyle. Am knocked out the moment i lay my head down till next morning

    1. You can say that again, Ada. It was the first thing I noticed too. Thanks for reading.
