Thursday 17 March 2016

From Pain to Happiness

Yippee!! Finally decided to talk about it. Don't know where to start though but I know that I made the right decision going on low carb lifestyle. You see, I been struggling with Ovarian Cysts since 2006 then 2013 I noticed the pain got a lot worse.....hmmm..On a scale of 1 - 10, I'd say 9. Gradually it moved to 11. Lol, yep it was that bad. I was diagnosed with Endometrioma, Ovarian Cyst and several endometrioses by 2015 and suddenly life became a chore. Every month was filled with dread of my period. Severe PMS hits me 7 days to the my period, then the pain starts from Day 1 and ends with severe Back ache and labor-like contractions on the 5th to 6th day.
My Dr told me that I needed to lose weight. I was ballooning up to 90kg due to hormonal imbalance. Yep, I needed to lose weight but how in god's name do I start? I tried lots of diets but didn't lose much. I turned to jogging like 2 miles daily but almost died when the cyst got twisted, so exercising was out of it. Thankfully I ran into low carb high fat diet through a random comment made on Facebook.
The only problem was that I was flat broke and some of the meals there cost a fortune so I decided to get "ketofied" through Naija food. As I type this i'm 67kg going on 60kg and my life has changed for the best. I feel great! I look great!! Best of all NO MORE PAIN!!! Those nagging endometrioses are no where to be found thanks to low carb and high fat diet.
This blog is all about helping overweight people in Nigeria make do with stuff within our environment. Yes, we can lose and maintain weight on real food. Bye bye to expensive quick fixes. Let's all learn together. Let's "ketofy" together


  1. Omalicha tisto. Ma me chy Okolo. Congratulations dear.

  2. Thank you, dear. I'm glad it's all in the past now.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I started keto a week ago. The second week now, anytime I wake up my Tommy use to be very hard as if food did not digest. What can I do thanks.
