Sunday 10 April 2016

9 Ways to Fight Carbohydrate Cravings on a Keto Lifestyle

Carb addiction is real, people! It can be a very tough experience for a lot of people because the urges can be pretty powerful. Once addicted,carbs locks you in a vicious cycle of highs and low until your health deteriorates ( Diabetes, Obesity etc).

These are 9 tips that i have been using to beat carb cravings and i believe they can also help you get started on your new ketogenic lifestyle. Enjoy!

  1.  Eat Frequently Going too long between meals especially on this lifestyle can lead to a drop in your sugar level,which leads to hunger and cravings. In other words, keep eating so that you don't go into starvation mode and demand a sugar hit.
  2. Make a plan It's important you plan out your meals  and snacks daily. This would make you less likely to succumb to carb temptation
  3. Choose Whole foods over Processed foods A lot of processed foods contain hidden sugars and grains so when you unknowingly consume them you trigger your craving. Be on the look out  if you must buy processed food and always read labels to avoid those sneaky carbs.
  4. Drink Lots of Fluids Sometimes hunger and cravings may be confused with thirst. Be sure to drink up to 3 liters of water daily. Half liters can come from decaffeinated coffee and tea, herbal tea, Soda water etc.
  5. Load Up on Fat When you reduce the amount of carb in your diet body fat provides energy instead. Eating food high in fat can provide immediate relief from cravings. I've sometimes drank a tablespoon of Coconut when i'm very hungry and it works almost instantly. Do not be afraid of fat, embrace it.
  6. Avoid Caffeine Caffeine spikes sugar levels and can cause sugar cravings. If you are a coffee lover and you have noticed yourself struggling with craving, eliminate or reduce caffeine in your diet. 
  7. Stay Away from temptations If you see yourself craving sugar constantly or cheating too often on your diet, simply try to stay away from situation that expose you to such temptation. Stop bringing sugary foods into house, carry your home-made lunch to the office, have some boiled eggs in your bag as a back up all the time, etc
  8. Avoid Emotional Eating Sometimes cravings a driven by emotional triggers like stress, anger, anxiety, shame, depression etc. Learn to identify these triggers. Some may be as a result of an underlying issues that must be resolved by a professional.
  9. Distract yourself Boredom can be masked as craving or hunger. The truth is that craving lasts for just 20mins. So when craving strikes take a walk, phone a friend, walk your dog, dance with your kids or read a book. 
Do you have more tip on how you fight off cravings? Please do share on the comment box. Have a lovely Sunday.

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